Note on Dr.T.G.MATHIA

Dr. Thomas G. MATHIA is associated with the C.N.R.S. - "Centre National de Recherche Scientifique" in France, the greatest European organism for fundamental research. He is Research Director and Head of Physics of the Interfaces Group. This Group is located in two Engineers Schools: the Ecole Centrale de Lyon in Lyons and Ecole National d'Ing?nieurs de St. Etienne in St. Etienne where he is Head of Physics of the Interfaces Department.

Between 1994 and 1999 he was a Director of the Ecole National d'Inginiéurs de St. Etienne.

He has organised and chaired a number of international symposia and has been a sought-after speaker and invited lecturer world-wide on the multifaceted aspects of surface properties in.

He has given numerous courses on Surfaces and the Interface Engineering and their technological implications over the last ten years at Reims University, Lions University, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, and Ecole National d'Ing?nieurs de St. Etienne in France.

Under the auspices of the Professional Training organised by the "Ecole Centrale de Lyon", he has created high level short courses on Interfaces - Friction - Wear - Lubrication.

During the last eight years, more than three hundred technicians, engineers and scientists have attended these courses. These five-day intensive training courses are now given twice a year.

He has been speaker for many years at well known Wear of Materials Conference and is a Member of the "Société de Tribology Française", Dr. Thomas MATHIA has a professional view on the most updated trends in the field of Tribology.

Dr. Thomas MATHIA is a founding member of the Editorial Board of International Journal of Surface Topography edited by Prof. K. Stout, and he organises training courses in Surface Topography. In co-operation with the C.N.R.S., this course, which is unique in the world, is now running twice a year in LYON - France.

At the present time, Dr. Thomas MATHIA is extending to In-Plant or Client-Site training. These events have informal discussions, workshops and sessions to find solutions to different technological problems.

Since 1981, Dr. Thomas MATHIA has lectured extensively on abrasion at Industrial Research Laboratories in the United States of America. Since then updated versions of this lectures have already been presented in Europe.

At this time he engaged also various researches in improvement of sport equipments for different competitions. In this field French teams in canoe, kayak, bobsleigh, cross country ski, speed ski, boats, automobile, tennis, and others disciplines benefited of his Group's research findings winning in World Championships and Olympic Games.

Dr. Thomas MATHIA's early training was as an Engineer in Electronics who has specialised in Telemetric Instrumentation. In 1972 he obtained Doctor Engineer in Physics of Solids; investigating electrical contacts behaviour under dynamic mechanical and thermal conditions.

He moved to Mechanical Engineering and after five years of Research activities for the "Institut Français de Petrole" he wrote a Doctor of Science Thesis in Physics-chemical Mechanics, since he was working in the field of Tribology on mono-layer lubrication applied to gyroscopes. Nobel Prize in Physics - P.G. de Gennes chaired his jury thesis.

He was awarded a medal from the C.N.R.S. for his Research Works, one from the Ministry of Industry for one of his inventions, and another two during the International Show of Inventors in Geneva for another of his discovery's and recently from French Ministry of Sport for his scientific contribution.

Dr. Thomas MATHIA is member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers, British Society of Rheology, American Society for Testing Materials, Association Universitaire de Mécanique, Société Tribologique de France, Groupe Français de Rhéologie actively participating in the scientific live of these different Societies. He was involved in organisation of Eurotrib in France, Congres Français de Mécanique, Wear of Materials etc...and in promotion of Tribology International Journal edited by Prof. B. Briscoe as a member of the International Advisory Editorial Board.

Dr. Thomas MATHIA is the originator of over two hundred technical and scientific communications and few patents relative to various materials and surface treatments.

Lyon 2010

Prof. Pierre Lanteri (on right) and Dr. T.G.Mathia (on left) in Ferrari Formula I workshop.